Sentence and it’s Types


Sentence and it’s Types

Defining a Sentence –  Sentence is a group of words that makes complete sense .
The sense is complete only when something is said about something else.
For example-
* These oranges are sweet and juicy.
*Bright moonlight dispelled all my sorrow.

We cannot have a sentence without a subject {explicit or implied} and a verb :

–  Dogs              bark
  (Subject)      (Verb)
– Sit down =You sit down . ( The subject is implied.)
(Both subject and verb are explicitly stated)

1. A sentence always begins with a capital letter.
2. If a sentence has to make complete sense,the words in it must be placed in their proper order.
– greatly admire countries our music architecture western and (not a sentence).
– Western countries greatly admire our architecture and music.( Sentence)
3. A sentence ends with a full stop (.) , a mark of interrogation , or a mark of exclamation.

Types of Sentences

Sentences are of fours types:

1. Declarative or Assertive (statements)
2. Interrogative (questions)
3. Imperative (commands)
4. Exclamatory (exclamations)

Declarative (assertive) Sentences-Statments

A sentence that makes a statement is called a Declarative or Assertive sentence.

    For example-

*Self confidence is the key to success.
*A thankful heart is a peaceful heart.

Declarative sentences can be affirmative or negative .
*They abide by the laws of the land. (Affirmative)
*They did not take adequate precautions.(negative).

Note :

There is an emphatic form  of declarative sentences also:
*They do abide by the laws of the land.
*They do take adequate precautions.

Interrogative Sentences- Questions

– A sentence that enquires about something is called Interrogative sentences.
  For example:-

* What kind of stories do you like?
* Do you like mysteries?

An interrogative sentence ends with a mark of interrogation.

# Interrogative sentences may be of six kinds:-

1. YES/No questions – Questions that can be answered in yes or no. These questions begin with auxiliary verbs like is, am , are, was, were, will, have ,had, do ,did, can, may, should etc .

For example:-
    –  Did you receive my message in time?
  –   Will you be able to come?

2. Question-word questions (also called wh questions) – Questions that begin with words like who, which ,when, where, how much , etc:-

For example:-
–  When did you buy this car ?
–  How much did it cost you?

3. Alternative questions- In alternative questions, there is more than one question joined by or :-

For example:-
–  Would you like to have tea or coffee?
Will you pay the dues by cheque or in cash ?

4. Rhetorical questions – A rhetorical question is a question only in form:, it actually carries the sense of a statement:

For example:-
   – Isn’t it hot today?  ( It is hot today )
–  Didn’t I give you my full support? ( I gave you my …….)

5. Emphatic questions- Emphatic questions are used to express strong feelings like anger , surprise, etc:

For example:-
– Who the hell is he to interfere in my affairs?
– What on earth were you doing there ?

6. Question tags- A question tag is a short question tagged to a statement. It is meant to seek confirmation of what the statement conveys :

For example:-
You are willing to work for us, aren’t you ?
She did not inform you , did she ?

Imperative Sentences- commands

An imperative sentence express a command , request or advice.

For example:-
*Leave the room immediately.(command)
* Open the window , please .(request)
* Be true to your word .(advice)

1.Words like please and kindly are appended to an imperative sentence expressing a request :-
  * Please connect me to Mr.Pradhan.
  * Kindly keep me informed.

2. In an imperative sentence , the subject is always you, which is usually unexpressed:
   * Sit down.( You sit down)
   * Ring up your doctor .(you ring up your doctor)

3. An imperative sentence can be affirmative or negative.
    *Leave immediately .( Don’t leave immediately)
   * Discuss this issue with your friends.
( Don’t discuss this issue with your friends.)

4. Affirmative imperative sentences can be emphatic also:
    * Do have something cold.
   * You look exhausted. Do take a break.

Exclamatory Sentences – Exclamation and wishes

Exclamatory sentences express sudden emotions like surprise, delight , pain , grief , anger, disgust, etc . Wishes can also be classified as exclamation.

*Exclamatory sentences end with a mark of exclamation.
*Exclamatory sentences can have the following patterns:

1.What+ (adjective+)noun+other words
* What a witty answer she gave!
* What a fall it was!

2. How+adjective/adverb+other words
*How humane her response was!
*How earnestly she pleaded!

3. O that + clause
* O that I were a bird ! ( I wish that….!)

4.Alas + clause
  * Alas, she died so young ! ( It is a pity that…)

5. Would that+clause
  *Would that I had never left india ! (I wish that I …)

6.If only + clause
  *If only I had a strong financial support! ( All that I wish Is that I …)

7. Short exclamations
* Superb!
* Fine!

Note :-
1. What takes a noun ,not an adjective/adverb.
* What a beautiful! ❎
* What a Beauty ! ✅

2. How takes an adjective/ adverb ,not a noun.
*How innocent the baby looks!
*How cleverly did our principal handle the situation!

3. In an Exclamatory sentence , how and what function as intensifiers.
*How kind she is ! (She is very kind )
*What an explanation! ( It is a strange explanation.)

4. Words like very, highly intensify the meaning, so they are intensifiers.

If you have any query related to sentence and it’s types , then you can write your query in the comment box below. We will try to solve your questions as soon as possible and will fully support you. 

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