Verb and Its Types

Verb and its Types



A verb
is a word or phrase that says or asserts something about a person or thing.


A verb
may tell us

1. What
a person or thing does;

       A doctor treats patients.

      Our plane flew over the mountains.

and treats are action verbs.


2. What
is done to a person or thing;

        The roads were repaired.

       The athletes were trained.

and trained are action verbs.


3. The
state in which a person or thing is;

      I know
your address.

       A moat surrounds the castle.

and surrounds are non action verbs.


verb is the most important part of a sentence. In fact, it may be called the
heart of a sentence. We can have a sentence with only the verb in it, but no
Sentence can exist without a verb:


    *Go! Sit! { Complete Sentence }

All the students of this class absent because from the school today
{ not a sentence because there is no verb }


The number of words in a verb may vary from one to four:-

plays hockey . ( One word )

Abhinav is playing hockey . ( Two words )

has been playing hockey. ( Three words )

Abhinav might have been playing. ( Four words )



# Kinds of Verbs ;- Main and Auxiliary


1. Main
verbs  ( principal verbs ) :- eat , drink
, sleep , go , give , sing etc.

Auxiliary verbs ( helping verbs ) :- be , do , have , can, may , should, etc.


– Verbs
used to form the tenses of main verbs are called Auxiliary verbs



are twelve auxiliaries in English : be , have, do , can , may, will , shall ,
must , ought to, need , dare and used to . All verbs that are not auxiliaries
are main verbs.


are of two kinds :-



Primary auxiliaries:- be , have , do

    (a) be : is , are , am , was , were

   ( b ) have; has, had

   (c) do: does , did

auxiliaries can be used as auxiliaries as well as main verbs:

           She is clever . (is – main verb )

           She is talking her dinner. ( is – auxiliary )

2. Modal auxiliaries :can, could , may , might
, will , would , shall , should , must , ought to

Modal auxiliaries
are used with main verbs to express different moods like permission ,
prohibition , suggestion , etc

     You can
leave early .( granting permission )

 He should
consult his doctor .  ( suggestion )




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