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Get Google AdSense approval in 5 – 7 days : Official Webstories


Get Google AdSense approval in 5 – 7 days

You have to follow some steps to get AdSense approval in 5 – 7 days.  By following the steps, you will get AdSense approval within 5 – 7 days. Before getting AdSense approval, we know what is Google AdSense?


Google AdSense Approval

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a feature of Google.  In which we have to create an account for our blog or website.  Then we have to apply for approval of our blog and website in Google AdSense.  when it is approved.  Then Google AdSense places ads on our blog.  With the help of these ads, we start earning Google AdSense.  That is why Google AdSense is very important for every blog and website.

Follow Some Steps To Get Google AdSense Approval.

Custom Domain

You must have a custom domain to get Google AdSense approval.  There should be a top level domain like .com .in .org .info.  Google AdSense approval is not easily available in subdomains so you have to buy a custom domain to get Google AdSense approval.

Custom domain for blogger

Responsive Theme

Your blog should have a responsive theme.  With the help of Responsive Theme, you can
easily manage your blog on mobile, laptop and tablet.  It is necessary to have a responsive theme
for Google AdSense approval.

Responsive Theme

Unique and high quality content

All the content on your blog should be unique and high quality.  Google ranks high quality content first and when there is a unique article, Google will easily show it everywhere.  Due to which traffic will be generated and it will be easy to get Google AdSense approval.

Unique and high quality content

Read more : Increase Adsense Earning from $100 to $1000 in 2023

Copy and Paste Content

All the content you want to write on your blog should not be copied.  It should be your own writing.  Copy content never gets Google AdSense approval.  No matter how much traffic you generate.

Alternative Ads network

There should not be any other ad network on your blog.  If another end network is found on your blog, then Google AdSense never approves it.  If you have put another ad network on your blog.  So remove it and then apply for Google AdSense.

Minimum post

There should be at least 14-15 posts on your blog.  With the help of these posts, Google AdSense knows that you are continuously working on this blog.  Which makes it easy to get Google AdSense approval.

Minimum words for each post

Whatever blog or article you post on your website.  That article must be at least 800-1000 words.  Google AdSense likes more long written posts.  Which makes it easy to get Google AdSense approval.


Your website speed should be 95-99.  This is a very important step so that it is easy for your audience to open the website and read the article on it.  If your website will not have speed, it will run very slow, then Google AdSense will never approve it, so you will have to manage the speed on your website as well.

Blog Speed

By following all these steps, you can get Google AdSense Approval in at least 5-7 days and then after getting Google AdSense Approval.  With the help of Ads, you can also generate a very good income.

If you have any query related to Google AdSense Approval, then you can write your query in the comment box below.  We will try to solve your question as soon as possible and will fully support you.

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